Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Big Day

What a day! Today I was received into the household of God -- pretty big stuff, huh?! At my church, we call it Baptism. This is me with Mommy, Daddy, & Father David. I didn't even cry when he poured water on my head. I knew it was really special and let's face it... I really love water. He sealed me with oil, too. I am marked as Christ's own forever.

After I was Baptized, I did get a little squirrely. Remember, I am still just a little baby. I crawled around and cruised on the pew behind me. I will be walking VERY soon.

When church was over, my whole family went to the Lake for a picnic! I got to swim in the lake and go for a boat ride. If this is what we get to do on my Baptism Day, I can't wait to see what they do for my Birthday!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What We Learn at Playgroup

Oh my gosh, playgroup was SO much fun this week. That's me in the back somewhere. *wink*wink*

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Design Star

Welcome to HGTV's new series, "Baby Design Star".

It features me, Baby Ellie, as the designer.
Need help organizing your shelves, repurposing cabinetry, or coming up with an entirely new design plan for your room? If so, then tune in because each day I will choose a room to completely destroy... I mean, redesign.
And the exciting part? It's all done in under an hour!
See your local tv guide for times.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Table Manners

Mommy says that my table manners are a-trosh-iss.

I know what you're thinking,
"Ewww... that baby is feeding that dog!"

That dog is not like any other dog -- he is El Tobe. He's my buddy, my pal, my P.I.C.* He is also STILL afraid that I'm going to pull his fur, so I lure him to my eating throne with cheerios, chicken, peaches, and anything else bite size. It makes him happy & it makes me giggle.

Mommy says, "Baby Ellie, you eat it."

But look at that little face. How can I say no? He is so hopeful for a morsel of whole grain o's.

Bananas are a different story. They are not for sharing. They are for ME only. This does not stop El Tobe from asking, begging, licking my ankles in anticipation.

"Toby, you are not a monkey." Mommy tells him.

"OO-ooo-EE-eeee," says Toby as he hangs from my highchair by his tail and scratches his head.

Nice try, buddy. Bananas are not for sharing. Have a Cheerio.

*P.I.C. = Partner in Crime

My Family

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


A Love Poem
by Baby Ellie

Crunch, munch, looks like lunch
Tiny grains of sand
I eat it by the fistful
From my right & my left hand

Yummy, tummy, making Mummy
Wash my mouth with water
Still I place it in my mouth
"Determination" I have taught her

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Favorite Number

My new favorite number is 5.

Can you guess what that means? At precisely 5 in the morning, before the sun comes up, before all the birdies are out of their nests, I begin to rise. I rub my sweet little baby eyes, stretch my chubby little arms and legs, and pull myself up to standing.

"Hey, y'all! I'm up! Who wants to play?"