Yesterday, I had a playdate with my friend Marin. Her mommy & my mommy are friends and that works out well for us. While they talk and drink coffee, we discover new uses for ordinary things. Did you know that toilet paper makes great confetti? Or that buttons make good chew toys?
We had so much fun, that we all decided to continue the fun by going out for dinner. The restaurant gave us a big booth with two highchairs, which was fun because Marin and I could sit next to each other. Here is Marin...
Here is Marin with her Mommy...
See that cup of milk? Right after this picture was taken, she dropped it and her Daddy had a wet, milky bottom. That's when the Daddies voted to put us in our chairs, but Marin knocked a container of salsa all over Mommy. Wow! That got everyone's attention -- note to self, remember the salsa trick.I happily ate some rice cereal, veggies, and peaches because it was obvious that my parents weren't sharing their enchiladas! I chewed on the menus, entertained folks with my dinosaur growl, and not to be out done by Marin, I spilled a glass of water into Daddy's lap.
At about that time, the owner of El Paraiso escorted us out and suggested babysitters.
Each picture of Baby Ellie is cuter than the last. And your posts are hilarious! I can remember similar trips out to eat with our kids.