Mommy says that my table manners are a-trosh-iss.
I know what you're thinking,
"Ewww... that baby is feeding that dog!"
That dog is not like any other dog -- he is El Tobe. He's my buddy, my pal, my P.I.C.* He is also STILL afraid that I'm going to pull his fur, so I lure him to my eating throne with cheerios, chicken, peaches, and anything else bite size. It makes him happy & it makes me giggle.
Mommy says, "Baby Ellie, you eat it."
But look at that little face. How can I say no? He is so hopeful for a morsel of whole grain o's.
Bananas are a different story. They are not for sharing. They are for ME only. This does not stop El Tobe from asking, begging, licking my ankles in anticipation.
"Toby, you are not a monkey." Mommy tells him.
"OO-ooo-EE-eeee," says Toby as he hangs from my highchair by his tail and scratches his head.
Nice try, buddy. Bananas are not for sharing. Have a Cheerio.
*P.I.C. = Partner in Crime